We’re all about connection

HR desk was founded with the dream to connect companies with their employees in today’s
work environment at the office, in the field, or on the go.

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Taking a Stand for Our World

We are committed to our clients,
the community, and a sustainable environment.


As a certified Green Business, we put marketing
initiatives into action with the promise to make the most efficient
use of resources. We also strive to introduce green alternatives into
our suggested marketing mix.


Social Responsibility
Corporate sustainability starts with a principled approach
to doing business. As part of the United Nations Global Compact,
we embrace and support the ten principles regarding human rights,
labour, environment and anti-corruption.

Experience the difference

Ease of Communications

With the flexibility of self-service, customizable content
management and multiple distribution options. We want to
help your team become as interconnected and independent
as possible in your cohesive HR desk experience.

On-Demand Push Notifications

Send push notifications to employees’
mobile devices on-demand with immediate
or scheduled delivery.

Automated Messages and Reminders

Engage employees with smart, personal on-demand
and automated notifications, reminders about
important dates, events, and wellness activities.

Interaction and Collaboration

For mobile employees without email access,
provide individual or group messaging features
for them to collaborate with colleagues.

Measuring Engagement


With HR desk, you can understand how your employees engage with the platform through deep analytics.
Discover what features are popular within the community and uncover your top content.


Global Experience


HR Desk supports multiple languages and global
distribution, giving team members the flexibility to choose
their preferred language. This is one of the many ways
that HR desk can be molded to fit your specific
needs as you expand on a global scale.

Your privacy is our priority

In a world where the lines of private information are blurred, your privacy is upheld
as our priority. We respect the privacy of the employee. We don’t have an all-access pass;
your private information stays that way.

+ See Our Privacy Policy

Get to know HR desk

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Sales & Support:
+1 415.800.4628

38 Keyes Avenue, Suite 119
San Francisco, CA 94129


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